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Financial Plan

Financial Planning Landing Banner

Let CNB Wealth Management develop and manage a custom financial plan just for you.

Developing a sound financial plan now can help you meet your needs and achieve your dreams in the future.

Our local team of 12 CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ professionals can meet with you to assess your current situation and create a holistic financial solution that’s tailored to you. As a client, you’ll enjoy seamless access to comprehensive financial services through CNB. And no matter the size of your relationship, you’ll get the same personal attention we’ve used to build long-term client relationships. All backed by a Pledge of Accountability:* our promise to provide the highest level of service.

Contact us at (585) 419-0670
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600 East Avenue


72 South Main Street


1150 Pittsford-Victor Road

Contact us at (585) 419-0670
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600 East Avenue


72 South Main Street


1150 Pittsford-Victor Road

*To see the full version of our CNB Pledge of Accountability, visit

This material is provided for general information purposes only. Investments and insurance products are not FDIC insured, not bank deposits, not obligations of, or guaranteed by Canandaigua National Bank & Trust or any of its affiliates. Investments are subject to investment risks, including possible loss of principal amount invested. Past performance is not indicative of future investment results. Before making any investment decision, please consult your legal, tax or financial advisor. Investments and services may be offered through affiliate companies.