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College Planning

Jun 21, 2024
Creative Ways to Lower the Cost of College
It comes as no surprise that college tuition costs are exceedingly steep and have been so for some time. A small reprieve is that costs for higher education have been slowing. Since the pandemic of 2020, tuition and associated college costs have increased less than 5%, while all items tracked by consumer price indexes have increased over 15%.1 Despite this, for many families, the sticker shock of seeing the annual tuition costs of most colleges has been just that – shocking. While the posted tuition costs can be staggering, it is important to know that most families do not end up paying the sticker price when factoring in tuition discounts, scholarships, and student financial aid.
Jun 21, 2024
Jun 21, 2024
Preparing for Parenthood
So, you are about to become a new parent. Congratulations! Preparing for parenthood can be equal parts exciting and daunting. In the midst of brainstorming baby names, comparing paint swatches for the nursery, and YouTubing swaddling techniques, there are several important financial planning decisions to consider.
Jun 21, 2024
Jun 05, 2023
Saving for Retirement and a Child's Education at the Same Time
You want to retire comfortably when the time comes. You also want to help your child go to college. So how do you juggle the two? The truth is, saving for your retirement and your child's education at the same time can be a challenge. But take heart — you may be able to reach both goals if you make some smart choices now.
Jun 05, 2023
Jun 02, 2023
The Financially Literate Graduate
The sun is shining, temperatures are rising, and the sounds of Pomp and Circumstance are in the air. It's graduation season again and, whether your graduates are finishing high school or college, you may be wondering if they are prepared with sufficient knowledge of personal financial skills to be successful. If you expected them to learn that information at school, you may be disappointed. As of May 4th of this year, only nineteen states required high school students to take a personal finance class before graduating (New York is not one of them), nor is it typically required in college.
Jun 02, 2023
Oct 19, 2022
New Cancellation for Federal Student Loans and Delayed Repayment to 2023
On August 24, 2022, just a few days before federal student loan repayment was set to resume, President Biden announced a plan for additional student loan debt relief.
Oct 19, 2022
Jul 07, 2022
Knowledge for College: Banking Tips for Young Minds
Going to college is a time of excitement, anticipation and new challenges combined with a dose of anxiety from the unknown. Navigating this new path of independent living can be overwhelming and scary at times. Many young people will have to make decisions for the first time about how to budget their money or consider various financial choices. Managing your money while in college shouldn’t add to the stress of college students, especially considering the effort and determination it takes to earn this money.
Jul 07, 2022
Mar 30, 2022
Sending Your Child to College
Sending a child to college is at the top of the wish list for many parents. A college education can open doors to many opportunities and help your child compete in today's competitive job market. But, the cost of college has risen exponentially over the years and getting started on saving can be a daunting task.
Mar 30, 2022
Sep 30, 2021
Repaying Your Student Loans
The time has come to pay back your student loans, now what? Dealing with student loan debt can be stressful and even frustrating for borrowers, however, now is the time to take control and alleviate that stress. First, create an inventory of your loans including loan type (private vs federal), balance, interest rate, payment amount, and repayment term. This can be done using your credit report through for private loans or for federal loans.
Sep 30, 2021
Jun 25, 2019
Teaching Your College-Age Child About Money
Now that your child is older and about to leave for college, it's time for you to make sure that they have enough financial knowledge to manage money while they are away.
Jun 25, 2019
Apr 02, 2019
Next Generation: Managing Student Loan Debt
As spring approaches with anticipation of warmer weather, so too does a new crop of recent college graduates. Unfortunately, along with diplomas comes staggering student loan debt. Student loan debt is at an all-time high of over $1.5 trillion, having an exponential effect on people’s lives. Young adults are delaying marriage, having children, purchasing homes, and most importantly saving for retirement. How borrowers manage their student loans after college is critical to laying the foundation of their adult financial lives.
Apr 02, 2019
Jun 06, 2018
College Saving: How Does a 529 Plan Compare to a Roth IRA?

529 plans were created 22 years ago, in 1996, to give people a tax advantaged way to save for college. Roth IRAs were created a year later, in 1997, to give people a tax advantaged way to save for retirement.

Jun 06, 2018
Sep 27, 2016
Starting a Family
The decision to start a family is one of the most exciting, and daunting, decisions you can face. As you are swept up in the joy of planning for life with your new child, there are also many financial planning decisions to think about - including budgeting, estate planning, and insurance.
Sep 27, 2016
Sep 26, 2016
Planning for Both Retirement and a Child’s Education
Younger parents are often faced with the difficult choice of taking care of long-term retirement needs or steering efforts toward ensuring future college expenses are handled. Both may be a long way off, but each will likely require significant savings and growth via intelligent investing.
Sep 26, 2016
Mar 24, 2016
Should I Pay off My Student Loans Early with a Home Equity Loan?

Generally, the earlier you can pay off your student loans, the better off you'll be. You'll save interest and improve your debt-to-income ratio, a factor lenders consider when deciding whether to offer you credit, and your good payment record will be positively reflected in your credit history and credit score.

Mar 24, 2016
Mar 11, 2016
Are My Student Loan Payments Tax Deductible?
Your actual student loan payments aren't deductible, but the interest portion might be, thanks to the student loan interest deduction. In 2016, the maximum deduction is $2,500. You don't need to itemize to claim this deduction.
Mar 11, 2016
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